Author nick

Update: MonoMIDI 1.0

There is an update coming your way, mainly centered around MonoMIDI. It now supports a Multisampling Mode which makes your drum sequences even more humanized by choosing samples out of a pool of 8 for each note lane. It is best to be used with a Drum Rack. For each of the samples within the […]

family travelling

Thanks to the generous paid parental leave scheme in Germany, we have been lucky to take our three month old daughter over to Western Australia to explore some beautiful spots quite away from the masses for the last three months. It’s all over now, but you can read and view up our trip here.

MonoLive – Monome for Live

Since the release of Ableton Live 8, there has been quite a buzz around Max4Live, the common project of Ableton and Cycling’74. By integrating the powerful Max/MSP/Jitter platform, the promise was to actually enable the users to extend Live with MIDI and audio effects, virtual instruments, customized control surfaces, video playback devices……….. After a rather […]